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 Welcome to my nomadic adventures. A few housekeeping items to start out.  I will attempt to make this readable on all devices but I am coun...

Monday, July 11, 2022

Keweenaw Pennisula - The Cowlick of Michigan's Upper Pennisula

I headed further north in an attempt to outrun the heat, but I overshot. I found a municipal campground near Houghton, Michigan and the day I arrived it was 55 degrees. Thankfully it warmed up to the pleasant 70s making this a beautiful area but I have seen pictures that imply that it is a bit colder in winter.

C'mon - you see it too. It’s a cowlick

Based upon the advice of the previously mentioned co-worker, L, I headed to Quincy Mine, I don't believe that Big Foot was hiding out there but based upon my extensive scientific research, Big Foot does enjoy a nice tour and visitor center . It was a fascinating tour of the mine and hearing the history of the area. For thousands of years, copper mining has been going on in this region when the native peoples would find chunks on the ground. Ancient smelting areas have been discovered in the region and when explorers were in the St Laurence River, the native peoples told of the copper found in this region so it was a big deal. The mine is no longer profitable to operate since apparently there are now safety concerns and care for human life which was nonexistent back in the day. The mine tour was definitely worth it but mining back in the day really sucked. Plus there was no Big Foot.
Steam powered lift. This thing is f#$ing huge

I headed to Houghton for a closer look at the downtown area and possibly catch up with elusive prey. First stop was the Ambassador restaurant. Following Amy's ever sage advice I ordered a vegetarian pizza and added sausage. It was delicious and the restaurant was an interesting place to hang out. The downtown Houghton area has a really fun vibe and it reminded me a bit of the mountain towns in Colorado. Having Michigan Tech in town really helps to make the place very livable (again I have heard rumors of snow but I saw no evidence in mid July). Next stop was very much in Big Foot's line of thinking, The Keweenaw Brewing Company (KBC) was a micro-brewery with many fine selections on tap. The place was pretty big with both inside and outside opportunities to partake in their product. Alas no Big Foot but some very fine brews.
Ambassador Restaurant - nice gnomes

KBC beer board

Knowing Big Foot's penchant for cutesy places, jams, breads, and monasteries, I headed to Jampot. This is a little shop that sells the products made by a local monastery. It was an interesting history of their struggle to develop their community and having to fight against various bureaucratic nonsense - both secular and religious. The place is right next to a waterfall and located on the road and next to Lake Superior so it is a convenient place to visit if you find yourself near the tip of the top of Michigan.
Jampot. Support their mission

Right next door, like it was planned

Next based upon my former coworker C's advice, I went to Copper Harbor. If Keweenaw peninsula is the cowlick, this is the split end at the top. It was a beautiful town with many cute little shops which apparently was appealing to women, but not Big Foot. I decided to head over to the northern most microbrewery in Michigan, Brickside Brewery. I had the dogs with me on this trip so we couldn't sit inside so we instead sat outside on their patio and had to suffer under the sunny skies and pleasant temperatures. They did a good job relaxing but they were unable to locate Big Foot. I may have had several sips of their product and I may have taken a growler to go. In any event, you weren't there so you really don't know for sure. Since Big Foot was not to be seen, I decided that my time there was done (it had been a few hours and no sign of the beast) so I moved on.
Sitting on the patio. Would have a great picture of me with the dogs on my lap.

My new life guidance. Love taking advice from signs outside bars.

We decided to take advantage of the natural beauty of the area and went on several hikes. The dogs were tuckered out after the 3 mile hike so I had to carry one of then for part of it and over the next few days. Her legs are short so I suppose that it is not unreasonable but I did try to point out to her that she is a dog and descended from wolves. She countered that as a Yorkie she had limited utility so I should just carry her. It was a persuasive argument. 
Standing on top of waterfall

Extremely lazy Lucy

Moderately lazy Ozzy

Here is a video attempt going over the Hungarian Falls. If you can read this, it means it worked. 

I decided to try a different approach in my hunt for Big Foot. After doing my laundry (even adventurers have chores), I had a pasty which is apparently a local tradition. The pasty from Amy J's was very good but quite large so I split it with dogs who appreciated the treat. I also tried a local establishment several times in Lake Linden walking distance from the campground - Loading Zone 2. I had the ribs (fall off the bone) and a turkey sandwich made with real turkey and not pressed, both excellent. Unfortunately I arrived during some sort of “happy hour” and every time I ordered another KBC amber; I was served two. I suffered through the double drinks, it wasn’t easy but I knew that I was up for the challenge. I could have stopped ordering but that seemed like giving up and mama didn't raise a quitter. It was a homey, friendly establishment but there was no sightings of the beast. 
Loading Zone 2. Apparently Packer country

As our time on the cowlick ran down, we started wondering if we would ever catch our elusive prey. Just as hope started fading, we heard through a back channel contact hat Big Foot may be making his/her way to southern Michigan. The hunt was back on and the hounds were excited to be back in the chase. To celebrate they took a nice nap; I suppose they were resting for the adventure ahead. 

Two small editorial comments. 
  • I am unable to change the layout on the mobile device. If you have not read the welcome message, do that now. It is a thorough explanation of the adventures and is updated as people ask questions offline. I could add a FAQ, but I am not going to for various reasons. Mostly I don't feel like it. Also I have a new way to access the blog - simply go to braxwood.com.
  • Astute readers may have noticed I have stopped at yet another place named Amy's. This one with my Amy's legitimate middle initial. I assure you this is purely coincidental as it was a highly rated pasty place and it was right near the Wash Tub Laundromat in Hancock. Simply just another coincidence and this is not going to turn into a "finding Amy named eateries" blog. 

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