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*** Welcome - Please Read First ***

 Welcome to my nomadic adventures. A few housekeeping items to start out.  I will attempt to make this readable on all devices but I am coun...

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Green Bay and reflections on six weeks a nomad

Knowing Big Foot's desire to avoid excessive heat and humidity I decided to head north towards Green Bay. I planned on spending a few days at a campground as the hunting hounds prefer cooler temperatures and it allowed me to meet with some former coworkers. After that I was headed to an off grid location to further test out my systems to be sure I could keep up the Sasquatch. Again in keeping with the policy of this blog, all individuals are assigned random letters for their names.

On my first night in Green Bay I met up with a former coworker, T, and her husband R. We had heard there had been potential sightings of Big Foot in the downtown Green Bay area. We stopped at a wine bar to investigate (https://www.aardvarkwinelounge.com/). After several hours of deep surveillance where we appeared to be drinking many glasses of wine, we had no luck catching the elusive prey. It was nice catching up with T and R but they told a fantastical tale of a cruise ship in Green Bay. They even attempted to prove it with "news" reports but you know these things can be faked. I decided to pay close attention to this development, not because Big Foot would take a cruise but rather because the idea of a cruise ship on Lake Michigan sounded outrageously funny. 

The next day I met with two other former coworkers, hereafter referred to as C and L. We staked out a table at a craft brewery place (https://www.copperstate.beer/) which would allow us to continue the hunt for Big Foot and verify the alleged cruise ship. We had a nice time catching up but there was no further sighting of Big Foot, but both C and L did provide some possible leads in the Upper Peninsula. Unbelievably the cruise ship was real and was docked in downtown Green Bay. I guess it just proves that no matter how unbelievable something is, it still can be true. Perhaps I was too harsh on Nessie.

Sunset over Green Bay.

I then relocated to my off-grid testing facility. This is property that is owned by my daughter's in-laws. I was able to verify that my external and on board solar charging facilities were sufficient and the shower capabilities of the adventure trailer were capable of doing their job. I had previously tested the other features and found them to be excellent. 

I was able to have dinner that night with my daughter C at the testing facility. It was great to see her and she is doing very well. I met with C and her husband D the next day and hung out at their house for awhile and again on the 4th. They have done a great job making it a comfortable home. The monster hunting hounds were able to play with their little puppy, Sami. We then headed over to the in-laws, M and W, for a Fourth of July picnic. I was too polite to point out that it was only the second of July but perhaps they do things different in the north lands. I was able to check out a cheese facility (https://www.renardscheese.com/) earlier that day and while Big Foot was not seen, the cheese curds were freshly made and squeaked perfectly. If you haven't had squeaky cheese curds, you have not experienced life fully.

I explored the area for other potential Big Foot locations but he was nowhere to be seen. I knew it was time to head further north.

It has been six weeks of nomadic living. Three of those in hotels and three on the road. Here are a few items to share. 

  • The travel on vacation (like in Europe) is far different from road travel. 
  • I take more breaks here since I have unlimited time and I can sleep anywhere and I am not paying for a room. 
  • The hounds have adapted well to the road and the hunt. 
  • There is a lot of dirt out there, A LOT. I sweep twice a day but there is just a lot. The hounds likely are the cause of some of it but the screens let in a lot too. You just have to live with more dirt. And bugs.
  • I need a new mattress. This was not a surprise but it is a fact. My current arraignment is not going to work longer term. I have one on order.
  • I love my coffee and I have two methods of making it. I have dedicated a whole cabinet to coffee and tea. But I have made room for Bushmills and a little food. 
  • I have no idea how long I will be able to do the full time travel. It may be months or it may be years. In the end it doesn't matter as long as the adventures continue.
  • I can see the appeal of a fancy van but the trailer is handling it well. Perhaps a truck camper. As always I am open to possibilities of what could be and I am trying to not be held back by what is.

The fearless canines honing their tracking skills

Off grid testing grounds


  1. Dirt is the price for enjoying nature. Small distributer & an outdoor plastic rug help.

  2. B shared the link to this blog with me (former colleague / PITA Sox auditor)… keep these posts coming along with the great pics and crude humor on progressive prisons. The setup looks nice and very jealous of your unlimited napping potential (4 kiddies now… naps are not something I’m familiar with). Have fun in the UP, I hear Michigan has much in the way of beer variety
