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*** Welcome - Please Read First ***

 Welcome to my nomadic adventures. A few housekeeping items to start out.  I will attempt to make this readable on all devices but I am coun...

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Back to Wisconsin (Southeastern Edition)

We are back to Wisconsin for a quick visit. I have been swamped with many scientific meetings and I have been unable to do much in the way of searching for Big Foot. I do read the comments and appreciate everyone's taking their time to offer their opinion. Based upon my previously mentioned criteria for comments, I will respond thusly. I am not sure what type of beer Big Foot drinks other than a love of microbrews has been documented repeatedly. 

Before we discuss my housing situation, I was able to visit several breweries. Ok, only one. The Runaway in Burlington. To be fair though this is part of their three weekend Bier Fest and last weekend the loop in downtown Burlington was shut down for the festivities. They bring in some excellent sausages and grill them up for the festivities and had a band last weekend. The Oktoberfest Beer was excellent as well as the Schwarzbier. That has come to be expected though from this excellent establishment. I ran into many people, D&R (who I met in Eagle River), M & M (one of whom I met in Shipshewana and the other is in my Fantasy Football league), E, B, J, GM, B, M, et. al. It was great to see people that I know again but I won't be making a habit of it. The party outside was excellent but then I realized it was time for me to leave as the hounds needed some company.

Street party with contests!

Inside Runaway with D & R and other people. I have idea who they are so I'll call them LB and OM. 

I checked out how B & L are doing on their new house with the remodel and it is progressing nicely. I am sure that they wish it could be done sooner but these things can take time and the kitchen and bathrooms are the most time consuming and expensive remodels. On Monday night, B and I were able to enjoy dinner and several beverages at David Alan Alan's  which included smoked meats and local on tap beers. What really made the dinner extra special was the Buffalo Bill's game was on and the game was quite exciting (for Bills fans - not so much for the Tennessee fans). 

I also stopped at the Main Event in Burlington aka John's Main Event. The sandwiches are quite nice there and they have the best burger in Burlington. They also happen to have Guinness on tap which was an amazing coincidence so I had one while enjoying my meal before taking care of some business in town. New ownership took over this year and it was always a great place but is even better now.

This week in addition to the previously mentioned people, I met with T, J & E, B, D & S, D & R (different from the other D & R), S & J, H, and G. As I said, I have been quite busy. I have also moved the last of the items I don't think I'll need to storage and between that and the new trailer, my truck now doesn't look like a homeless man lives in it. That is a good thing as I do not live in the truck, I just drive it.

And now to the trailer. I did upgrade to a regular sized RV trailer. I would have liked to stay in the tiny tear drop but the dogs were starting to complain about the lack of space. They wanted to have a bigger bed to lay around in and some reclining chairs so they can lounge more. In addition they got tired of watching me struggle to make them food with the small countertop. Since my only purpose in life is to satisfy their needs, I really had no other choice but to upgrade. The trailer was the most cost effective option as I could continue using my current truck. The new trailer is a Cougar 22MLS. It has a king sized bed, two recliners (heated and vibrating), a nice dinette, a refrigerator with a large freezer, oven, microwave, shower, ceramic toilet, and storage space. Yes it has heat and AC and all of the other normal things one would find in a modern trailer. Oh, there is also a TV and I have hooked up the antenna system to a SIM card so I have proper Wi-Fi which allowed me to setup my Roku and file server. There is 400W of solar on the roof with the ability to easily expand to 800W. I went with only 100AH of AGM battery but will upgrade prior to my trip to Alaska as there will be additional boondocking opportunities on that adventure. If this means nothing to you, then just smile and nod.

I will miss the look of the teardrop but I am willing to sacrifice my happiness for the dogs. In case you were curious, with the slide out it has 200 sqft as compared to 85 sqft in the teardrop. I think it is best described as homey. This is a good thing as I will be living in it for a while especially for three one month stays in Texas this winter. The dogs will appreciate the added room as they are so large they need to be able to spread out. It is technically smaller in length than the average trailer at just under 27 feet tip to tail so I am able to get sites much easier (teardrop by reference was 18 feet). In addition, towing is straightforward and I should be able to make it to Alaska and back without issues. 

Facing the kitchen. Lucy is enjoying the chair

Now facing away from the kitchen, look closely and you will see both dogs enjoying the bed. 

And one picture of the bathroom. There is a shower in there too. It is a dry bath like one would find in a normal home.  



If you have not read all of these, please at least read the welcome message as it may explain a few things about the adventure. Feel free to read all of the posts and comment. I may or may not reply to comments based upon an inscrutable set of criteria.

If you are interested in getting email notifications of these postings but have not figured out how to do that yet, you can email me at thor.braxwood@gmail.com and I can manually add you. If you are more self-sufficient, a helpful hint is to go to full web version and look on the right side. Otherwise you will just need to randomly check in but if you contact me directly and ask me what I have I been up to, I will direct you to the blog but I will still talk to you. I mean, I am traveling with dogs and while I talk to them they have yet to speak to me. You may notice the randomness of the timing of my posts; this does point to the need to subscribe to notifications  

Friday, September 16, 2022

Northern Iowa

We have been in northern Iowa exploring this area for Bigfoot. I have been pleasantly surprised with how nice this area is and I feel I need to take back all of the nasty things I’ve said about Iowa over the years.  This is not flat at all but rather it has beautiful rolling hills.

Pilot Knob State Park

I don’t mention every place I stop at to search for Big Foot as many are dead ends. For example I was near Forest City this week which is home to Winnebago. I stopped at two local establishments in search of the elusive prey. The first stop was a little Mexican restaurant in downtown. I had their carnitas tacos which were very good and the pork was quite delicate. But there was not a sign of Big Foot. I also went to a more traditional sports bar in case Big Foot was in the mood for that style of food. Again, no sign of Big Foot. My salad was mostly iceberg lettuce (which I dislike) but the grilled chicken was nice and the iced tea was refreshing. 

I also went to several establishments in Cresco. These seemed very promising. The first restaurant was a local sandwich shop (Fat T’s Cafe) and I had a very nice Panini. The atmosphere was everything that the research had shown to appeal to Big Foot but there was no sign. The other place in Cresco I searched was Dough & Joe which was a bakery and coffee shop. The bakery was excellent and I picked up a loaf of bread for later. I went back to try the coffee and it was drinkable but not quite strong enough. In any event, no Big Foot. 

Fat T’s Cafe. Good sandwiches. 

Good bakery. No Big Foot

I also checked out Osage. The first stop was Piggyback Smoke Shack. I know Big Foot can’t resist smoked meats and this place has some excellent choices. The brisket was delightful as was the pulled pork. I was even able to make a meal the next day from my leftovers. Feeling I was getting close I decided to explore this little town some more. By an amazing coincidence there was a brewery nearby. Clearly the combination of smoked meats and freshly brewed beer must attract Big Foot. Limestone Brewers had a great selection of beer and were able to safely fill my growler for a to go order of porter along with some to go cans of an IPA. I also knew that I was on the right track as there signs that the creature has been there. A giant wooden homage to Big Foot was out front and they had additional indicators inside. Clearly my tracking of Big Foot from brewery to brewery has been the correct strategy as this has been the only type of establishment that has had this memorial to the creature (other than tacky tourist traps selling crap). 

Limestone Brewers. Big Foot was here, I’d stake my PhD in Cryptozoology on it.  

Based upon this latest discovery, I will need to redouble my efforts at exploring small town breweries. It is so satisfying to have years of advanced scientific research pay off. 

On the living situation front, I have made some progress. The most cost effective solution (a scout is thrifty after all) is to get a larger trailer. I can delay the purchase of a new truck until the car market settles down which I would prefer to do. I searched for a “couples” floor plan which means it’s not designed for shoving in as many beds as possible. I was able to find two models from two different manufacturers and selected one. I have been waiting to pick up the trailer which is scheduled for Friday afternoon after which I need to make a beeline for Wisconsin. I have several important meetings I need to attend with other scientific experts along with seeing B&L. Of course also importantly is the Bier and Food festival at The Runaway in Burlington. Afterwards I head to the Green Bay area to see C&D along with consulting with additional great minds. Then I’m off to Kentucky and then looping towards Texas for the winter  

Regardless if you are searching for Big Foot or not, be sure to support your local establishments of all varieties. I love getting a sense of a community through their food or drink and the only way to do that is to eat and shop local, wherever you are. 

Also I apologize for any excessive typos this week. I had to pack everything from the trailer into my truck in order to do the trade in so I’m typing away on my phone with shoddy internet reception at a park. The glamorous life of a vagabond.



If you have not read all of these, please at least read the welcome message as it may explain a few things about the adventure. Feel free to read all of the posts and comment. I may or may not reply to comments based upon an inscrutable set of criteria.

If you are interested in getting email notifications of these postings but have not figured out how to do that yet, you can email me at thor.braxwood@gmail.com and I can manually add you. If you are more self-sufficient, a helpful hint is to go to full web version and look on the right side. Otherwise you will just need to randomly check in but if you contact me directly and ask me what I have I been up to, I will direct you to the blog but I will still talk to you. I mean, I am traveling with dogs and while I talk to them they have yet to speak to me. You may notice the randomness of the timing of my posts; this does point to the need to subscribe to notifications  

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Sioux Falls

This time we are in Sioux Falls. Well, technically I am staying south of the city but more on that later. We have taken care of some business this visit and also explored the region in pursuit of the elusive prey. I am often hesitant to refer to Big Foot by gender as we speak of Big Foot often in the generic term and not specific. For example, I am sure that some might have success looking for a vegan Big Foot in the middle of the Pacific Northwest, but that is not the sort of Big Foot I am looking for. Just as we all different people and not a monolithic entity, neither is Big Foot. I am looking for the kind that hang out in microbreweries, wineries, small cafes, pleasant parks with properly identified hiking trails, restaurants with barbecue and smoked meats, bakeries, even museums. Clearly a more sophisticated Big Foot with a well defined palate open to the finer things. I will leave the tofu Big Foot to others.

Sioux Falls (middle falls)

Our first stop was in Aberdeen, SD. For reasons I will mention later, I stayed in a hotel that night and enjoyed unlimited water and a private flush toilet. I didn't bother with the television as I am unsure if I remember how those operate and Big Foot needed to be found. I headed off to the One Legged Pheasant (got it right this time S). The brewery had only one other couple when I got there so I was able to quickly ascertain that Big Foot was not there at that moment. Since I had time to kill before a possible sighting, I sampled several of their beverages. Their Dark Helmet is a Schwarzbier, and it was nearly as good as my gold standard on that brew (Runaway in Burlington - Oktoberfest for three weekends starting 9/17 if you are in town). What really impressed me though was the Irish stout ala Guinness (they called it Kilt Kicker). It was the closest I have had to Guinness in this country and truly was delicious. I decided to try a local pizza place as they had broccoli on the pizza as a standard and I love random vegetables put on foods (sincerely). I had a growler handy so I had it filled and headed back to the hounds and to enjoy the comforts of a real bed.

One Legged Pheasant and beertender

I decided to check out Sioux Falls and their plethora of microbreweries. Sioux Falls is a big small town and has all the trappings of a major city, including opportunities to seek out Big Foot. I checked out Woodgrain in downtown Sioux Falls. While this was not the type of building I am used to seeking Big Foot in, the beer was excellent. I had both a hazy IPA and an Oktoberfest. Both were superb and I decided food was in order. Since I didn't see Big Foot there, I went to a nearby classic style diner (Philips Avenue Diner) and had a very nice turkey avocado BLT. There was no sign of Big Foot and I had a to go order made up at Woodgrain, for later naturally.
Brewery in a lobby of a bank. 'Nuff said

I also tasted the wares at Lupulin Brewing. Again, in an unusual location (a strip mall) and technically a chain as this is the second location, I nevertheless persevered. They had what they called a bloody mary bar where you could add things to your beer. I declined as that struck me as insane and instead made an uncharacteristic choice of a peanut butter and chocolate stout. It reminded me a Reese's peanut butter cup which I am sure sounds wonderful to many but not to me, I am not sure what I was thinking other than I hoped it had coffee tones that they failed to mention. It did not. I was pretty much done at that point as I could not get that taste out of mouth, I am sure if you love chocolate and peanut butter you would love that beer and find their combinations delightful. Clearly Big Foot was not there as it was a strip mall (I assume that didn't have to be said).

Lupulin - other location in Minnesota.

I met up with S and S from our previous adventure for a few beverages at Remedy Brewing for dinner and some liquid refreshments. I had a great time with them as usual as they are full timers and have a great sense of humor and outlook on life. The burger was quite tasty and the salad was reasonable for a brewery. Since it was hot that day I had their take on a lime infused Mexican style beer. It was pretty limey so I am sure I am cured of any scurvy. We failed to find Big Foot or win the 50/50 raffle but some local charity was the real winner anyhow. It was great seeing them and I am sure our paths will cross again - perhaps in Texas this winter.

Cool outdoor space at Remedy. No clue who the dude is in the picture, don't really care. The sabbatical
 life is chill that way.

While searching for possible replacement campers, I stopped at a local eatery for lunch. I was hoping for the elusive wings but they had a limited menu due to staff levels and construction. The restaurant was packed so it certainly was not the food. I tried what was called "Indian Tacos". I thought perhaps they used naan in a new way but it was not the case. In any event it was tasty and not at all fancy.
Northstar Grill and Pub. I only had water here - I don't drink booze constantly so don't worry

The dogs and I enjoyed serval hikes in the area and explored Vermillion which is south of Sioux Falls. Vermillion has a college as did Aberdeen and Sioux Falls. Lots of colleges in South Dakota apparently.  In Sioux Falls, the falls are on the Big Sioux River. The actual falls had three drops but the lower falls were removed in 1912 to improve the hydro plant. Of course within a few short years, the hydro was not sufficient so they put in a coal plant and destroyed the falls for no good reason. I could make a comment about shortsightedness of utilities but that would be pointless as that was clearly a different time and you would not see that kind of short term thinking today. Thankfully some citizens realized the treasure that is the river through the city and they have been working to improve public access and improving the area around it. In any event, the dogs and I enjoyed it and despite our thorough search, there was no sign of Big Foot.

Falls park is really nice and break. There were plenty of people enjoying the day we were there too.

As I mentioned, we had some errands to run. All three of us got a haircut as we all were looking shaggy and wilting in the hot sun. And to avoid the obvious comments, I went to human place and they went to a dog groomer. I had thought I could try to grow out my hair, but it grows so fast and not as desired. Instead of a Fabio style of hair, it is more reminiscent of the Beatles ala 1964 and since I had that hair style in much of my youth, I decided to get it chopped off. I also spent quite a bit of time searching for the next adventure platform. I have certain requirements and apparently there is not a van tardis or a van of requirement which could hold everything but be really small on the outside, Considering that, I feel I am closer to a decision than I was prior to visiting South Dakota. I was also able to establish my legal residency in South Dakota (hence the hotel stay for the proper receipt) so I am no longer stateless. I could have use the "campground" I am staying at but thought it would be cleaner this way. Unfortunately when I made this reservation, I was in a panicked mood due to the Labor Day holiday and made a rookie mistake. This is a "Campground and RV Park". There is nothing that should chill your blood more than "RV Park" (whereas "RV Resorts" are wonderful). I talked to a woman who was living there and had been for three months since they sold their home. She said she had never been camping before and all I could think was you still haven't. Perhaps they don't know that their Class As, trailers, and fifth wheels all have tires and are meant to be moved. Most of the RVs were newer and the trucks were also newer and capable of operation. In any event, I cut my stay short. I should mention that the city I am in (Beresford) has a lovely park and a great place to walk the dogs. I am incredibly impressed in the civic pride and general friendliness of everyone in spite of it all. 

"Pool" at the "campground". They didn't advertise a pool so it was a surprise to see one. You can zoom in and see the bushes growing in the deep end, at the far side. It's been a while.

I am off to Iowa next and then Wisconsin (southern and northern). I have reservations through the end of October at mostly public campgrounds (county, state, and Army Corps) and one private campground that I previously stayed at, and I am looking at satellite images and street view prior to booking - lesson learned. After Wisconsin I am in Kentucky for several weeks before I head east and then south. I might make a stop in West Virginia to search for Mothman.



If you have not read all of these, please at least read the welcome message as it may explain a few things about the adventure. Feel free to read all of the posts and comment. I may or may not reply to comments based upon an inscrutable set of criteria.

If you are interested in getting email notifications of these postings but have not figured out how to do that yet, you can email me at thor.braxwood@gmail.com and I can manually add you. If you are more self-sufficient, a helpful hint is to go to full web version and look on the right side. Otherwise you will just need to randomly check in but if you contact me directly and ask me what I have I been up to, I will direct you to the blog but I will still talk to you. I mean, I am traveling with dogs and while I talk to them they have yet to speak to me.